10 Things Video Games REALLY Didn't Want You To See

4. All The Hidden Loot - Dead Space 2

Spider Man 2
EA & Reddit: /u/wetodd1337

From swastikas to something decidedly less harmless now, but all the same, prepare to have your mind blown by this one.

Earlier this year, Redditor u/wetodd1337 went viral on the Dead Space subreddit after discovering that damaging the ATMs and medical stations strewn throughout Dead Space 2 will reward players with a ton of useful loot - including a stonking 10,000 credits a-piece from ATMs and stasis packs from med stations.

This left fans positively shook, that so many goodies have been hiding in plain sight for almost 15 years largely undiscovered.

But it gets better than that - whoever programmed this in the game was incredibly sneaky about it, given that even members of the Dead Space 2 dev team have only now found out.

Seth Hall, who worked as a visual effects artist on the game, entered the Reddit thread in question and revealed that they also had no idea about the loot. 

Clearly, someone at Visceral Games got a real kick out of this secret, which has now finally been brought to light for the masses.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.