10 Things We Want From Elder Scrolls 6

7. More (And Better) Factions

The Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind
Elder Scrolls Wiki

Skyrim borrowed a lot from Fallout: New Vegas, with one of its most notable acquisitions being the inclusion of factions. New Vegas was all about backing a horse, choosing the best (or worst) of a bad bunch and installing them as the leader of post-apocalyptic Vegas. Skyrim has similar elements, but they didn’t feel quite so fleshed out or integral to the game’s political landscape.

Sure, you could choose to side with the globalist, expansionist Imperials or the anti-immigration Stormcloak nationalists, but regardless of which you picked, the world around you would remain largely the same. You could even go ahead and assassinate the Emperor, despite being an Imperial soldier yourself, and no one seemed to care in the slightest.

It would be great if the next Elder Scrolls game introduced more than just two major factions, especially if these groups had more of an impact on the country as a whole.


Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.