10 Things We Want From Elder Scrolls 6

6. Silent Protagonists

The Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind
Nexus Mods

In hindsight, Fallout 4’s conversation system was a failure. Bethesda introduced voice acting as a way of making you feel more connected to your character, but it wound up greatly reducing the amount of conversation options at your disposal.

In the end, most of Fallout 4’s quests could be approached by picking from four options: kill all the people, be nice to all the people, be a sarcastic jerk to all the people, or ask another question. There was very little depth or variety to the game as a result, and if Bethesda were to go down a similar route with The Elder Scrolls VI, we could see the same results.

It all comes down to budgetary concerns. It’s theoretically possible to implement a fully voice-acted conversation wheel that’s full of interesting and varied options, but it takes a great deal of time, money, and work to see it through.

There are also other factors to consider, like the many varied species available in The Elder Scrolls universe. To force players to choose only human races, all for the sake of voice acting, would be disastrous, so too would be picking an Argonian or Khajiit, only to find that they talk like Nolan North.

Perhaps a return to silent protagonists would be the best bet after all – it would keep the game’s roleplaying aspects feeling unique to each player, and would save Bethesda a lot of time and money that could then be spent on other parts of the game.


Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.