10 Things You Didn't Know Your Nintendo Switch Could Do
7. Quickly Find Your Missing Joy-Cons

The detachable nature and small size of the Switch's two Joy-Con controllers makes them very easy to misplace.
When the laziness kicks in after a late-night Splatoon 2 session, we're all guilty of just leaving our Joy-Cons on the couch where they can slip down the back. Or, if your cat/dog/other hairy beast is in a notably mischievous mood, they might run off with one, leaving you sad, confused, and missing an important peripheral.
Should you find yourself in either of these situations, there's a simple solution you can make use of. Just head into the "Controllers" page from the Switch's home menu, and hit the "Find Controllers" option.

From here, select the Joy-Con you have lost, press L or R on the other Joy-Con, and the missing Joy-Con will vibrate - if it's within range of the console.
Lost both Joy-Cons? You're screwed. Also, how?!
It's much easier to lose the grey-coloured Joy-Cons than the more colourful ones, so if you own the latter, you've probably never had to use this feature. But should the need ever arise, now you know it exists.