10 Things You Need To Know About Desperados III

8. It Looks Gorgeous

Desperados III
THQ Nordic

2001 was many things, but a golden age for video game graphics it was not. Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive looked absolutely fine, but it wasn't a game that was selling you on the visuals alone.

14 years is a long time though, and Desperados III looks absolutely stunning. The dynamic nature of the lighting is exceptional, and even small details like building construction (and, naturally, demolition) look like they've had serious thought and time dedicated to them. Even water, normally the Achilles heel of isometric level-design, garners praise here.

One major achievement though is in the natural movement of the character models. Sneaking, crawling, walking and running all feel like they've been drawn for a game set far closer to the ground, and the variety in the combat and special ability usage means we're well beyond that hit-box clunk of older generations.

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