10 Things You Need To Know About Desperados III

7. RTT Is Back, Baby

Desperados III
THQ Nordic

Real-Time Tactics games get a bit of a bad rep these days. Back in 2001 when Desperados first released, they were up there with RPG's and FPS games as the holy trinity of gaming genres, but now they've faded into the background in favour of more elaborate formats.

Part of this is, of course, down to their popularity on the mobile gaming market. The restrictions of handheld devices mean that their simple point-and-click interface lends itself well to a static, top-down viewpoint, and the detailed inventory and menu systems something that comes naturally to a device designed for scrolling thumbs.

But Desperados III isn't, strictly speaking, an RTS game. It's being billed as a real-time tactical stealth game and, in fairness, it's very difficult to dispute that description. Players more used to the dumb fun of en masse mobile strategy will be astonished to see just much can be achieved in this format, with every mission providing a creative and challenging test of your mettle.

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