10 Things You Need To Know About Halo Wars 2
It's as essential as any main instalment.

Despite not being a main entry in the series, the original Halo Wars succeeded immensely in bringing the Halo mythology to an entirely new genre. Far away from the instant-action, first-person shooter delights of years gone by, Ensemble Studios re-framed everything you thought you knew, moving the camera to a top-down perspective and forcing you to really think about every last move on the battlefield.
It was a resounding success, one of the few console RTS' to feel 'natural' on a controller, allowing fans of the genre and newcomers alike to control scores of units, truly commanding the tide of battle one order at a time. Whilst it may not steal the spotlight like its bigger brethren, this time around a number of core changes and story-based innovations are fleshing out the Halo Wars name into a far more important part of Halo as a series.
We've got a new villain - a hulking, Covenant-scaring Brute, no less - a number of tweaks and additions that only build on the solid foundation Ensemble pioneered back in 2009, and an absolutely gorgeous graphics engine to boot. You can check out more information over at The Halo Compendium
Here are 10 major things you need to know about Halo Wars 2.