10 Things You Should Know About Dating A Gamer

3. We Consider Gaming An Art Form

shadow of the colossus
Team ICO

A debate that has probably made many gamers realise that their relationship was doomed is the debate about the inherent value of art (why, of course). If you're a hoity-toity intellectual who has nothing but disdain or ambivalence for games - in which event you're probably not reading this article anyways - then you might want to find yourself someone else, because telling a gamer that their pursuit is a dumb child's time-waster with no exterior value will not go down well.

Even if you're not an art-house cliche and you enjoy video games now and then, be careful about dismissing them flippantly as a vacuous past-time; gamers hold their medium in an extremely high regard, especially as far as its artistic merit goes. Unless you want to sit through a 12-hour run of Shadow of the Colossus, Clockwork Orange-style, as your partner tries to change your mind, we suggest you just agree to disagree on this one and not push the issue, or it will create a rift.

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