10 All-Time Best Zombie Games That We All Love

6. Dead Rising

Remember earlier when the range of weaponry used in Zombies Ate My Neighbors had a clear influence on another game? Dead Rising is that game; it takes the concept of silly weapons and runs riot with it. Dead Rising is set in a shopping mall literally infested with zombies; thanks to the power of the Xbox 360 hundreds of zombies were rendered on screen at once. Zombie hordes had never looked so jam-packed, and even better the mall was full of weapons to kill them. Chainsaws and guns are pretty standard fare for zombie-based films and games; but plastic lightsabers and stacks of CDs? Perfect. Nearly every item found in Dead Rising's stores could be picked up and wielded, mainly for comic effect. Some did prove useful (who'd have known a simple 2x4 would be so effective against zombies?) while the majority are both hilariously and pathetically useless against the undead. Plus, Dead Rising introduced the world to Frank West (Photojournalist) and his many hilarious lines and catchphrases ("FANTASTIC!" is a personal favourite); he's a loveable goof. Some may have issues with the time system in the game (Dead Rising takes place over three days and has strict time-limits on certain missions; missing one requires an entire restart or an earlier save) but Dead Rising was unbelievably exciting when released way back in 2006 and deserves its spot on this list simply for having (about) 176% more zombies than any other game.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.