10 Times Dark Souls Games BRUTALLY Tricked You

9. That Item In Irithyll Dungeon - Dark Souls 3

dark souls 3 sewer centipede

Despite the overtones of horror gnawing away in the background, the Dark Souls trilogy has largely avoided indulging in full-on horror tropes. That was until Dark Souls 3 players made it to the dank and gloomy irithyll Dungeons on their way to the Profaned Capital.

When it comes to terrifying Dark Souls areas, it doesn't get much more oppressive than this dank dungeon, namely thanks to the horrifying jailers who have a nasty ability that shrinks the player-character's health bar.

But FromSoftware have another one of their tricks in store for players before they even meet a jailer.

Upon entering the initial part of this area, players have a brief chance to explore some empty cells. In one of these cells is a glowing item lying by a corpse that's begging to be collected. By this point in the game, players will be well-versed in detecting signs of an ambush.

Having taken a moment to make sure the coast is chere are no enemies, players will feel safe to collect this item. However, this triggers one of the only scripted jump scares in the entire series, as a blood-curdling scream catches you off guard, setting the tone for the rest of this section.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.