10 Times Games Developers Said F**k You To The Fans

2. Microsoft's Xbox One Reveal

Spike TV/MicrosoftSpike TV/MicrosoftObviously at this stage our opinion on the next generation of consoles is all but sewn up. That is to say, they remain fairly overpriced paperweights with a penchant for occasionally dazzling you with nice shiny graphics, but have absolutely bugger all in the way of system-selling titles. However, it still feels as if this mentality was fostered early on, as many of us were sitting quite contently, wondering exactly why we needed a new console in the first place, being that with GTA on the horizon, the footage of which was still charming our pants off, washing them and ironing them for another week of pant-charming. But we tuned in to the live broadcast anyway, because back in those days Microsoft had all the fans in the world. The 360 was the go-to console of choice, and for all its charm and granny-friendly motion games, the Wii just wasn't the one for the hardcore gamers. So what happened? They resolutely wee'd on all of our collective bonfires by sticking with the one peripheral that didn't remotely work with the original system. Cue months of outrage leading to a version of the console being released without said peripheral, and an R&D department left scratching their heads as to what the point was in developing the thing was in the first place.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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