10 Times Games Developers Said F**k You To The Fans

7. Aliens: Colonial Marines Shocking Retail State

GearboxGearbox/Videogamer.comThey say never mess with a woman scorned, well how about an entire fanbase whose heroes are giant acid-spewing aliens who would like nothing better than to smash your eyes in? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3z2qVebxlUo&feature=kp It only took two years for developers Gearbox to jack this one right up, as the above clip can attest to just how drastically different the initial demos of the game were when compared to the 2013 retail version. Having problems throughout the game's development is one thing (and it has been well documented by this point), and downgrading the graphics and A.I. is another, but to then go forward releasing DLC and further breaking down exactly what's wrong with the copy of the game many of us held in our hands, is really too much.
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