10 Times Metal Gear Solid Went Too Far

5. Johnny & Meryl Get Engaged... In The Middle Of A Gunfight (MGS4)

Quiet metal gear solid 5

Remember that guy who crapped his pants in the original Metal Gear Solid? Well, he's back. And now he's trying it on with Snake's ex, Meryl.

Look, it's great that Meryl found love eventually. Love can bloom even on a battlefield, or whatever that hogwash was Snake and Otacon were going on about back in the first game. But there's a time and a place, guys.

Johnny - the comedy character that repeatedly winds up soiling his slacks - decides that he's going to propose to Meryl Silverburgh. Not after a romantic dinner. Not on the beach at sunset. Not even in his living room during half-time. In the middle of a gunfight with Liquid Ocelot's deadly henchwomen.

So there's bullets flying around and stuff, and dead bodies everywhere, and the world faces imminent nuclear annhilation or something, and then he goes and spoils it all by somethin' stupid like, "I love you."

Honestly, it's so dumb, and as a result, we have to go through the whole Meryl's wedding bit of the ending which lasts way longer than it needs to. The ending is already over an hour long, man. We don't need a wedding.


John Cal McCormick hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.