10 Times Metal Gear Solid Went Too Far

4. It Was The Medic All Along (MGSV)

Quiet metal gear solid 5

The ending of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is so spectacularly moronic on basically every level that you can't help but wonder if Hideo Kojima was intentionally sabotaging the series so he could finally move on to making different games.

The twist, such as it is, is that you play the entirety of The Phantom Pain not playing as Big Boss like you believe, but as some random medic dude.

And how did this random medic dude trick the world into believing he was the world's greatest living soldier?

Well, it turns out that Revolver Ocelot organised plastic surgery to make the medic look like Big Boss, and then Revolver Ocelot organised hypnotherapy to trick the medic into believing he actually was Big Boss, and then Revolver Ocelot hypnotised himself to forget that he'd ever done any of that so that he believed that the medic was Big Boss, all so the real Big Boss could... erm... do nothing.

The observant among you may have noticed that we didn't mention anything about the fact that the medic would obviously not sound anything like Big Boss, so straight away anybody who knows him would work out that he was an impostor.

Don't worry, The Phantom Pain has it covered. The medic inexplicably has exactly the same voice as Big Boss already.

Why? Who knows.

As far as twists go, it's like if The Sixth Sense had ended with Bruce Willis revealing that he was actually a ham sandwich.


John Cal McCormick hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.