10 Times Metal Gear Solid Went Too Far

2. Skullface Forces A 14 Year-Old Boy To Rape A Woman (MGSV)

Quiet metal gear solid 5

There's a bunch of things that Metal Gear Solid V probably didn't need to do, like change Snake's voice actor, go open world, include a scene in which the baddie forces a 14 year old boy to rape a woman for banter...

The usual.

The whole scene - mercifully only revealed in an audio tape - is so tonally at odds with the rest of the series. This is the same franchise of games that features Bee Man, and Johnny not making it to the toilet on time, and suddenly, after five main games and a couple of spin-offs, suddenly we've gone all Sleepers.

Baddies doing bad things so that we know that they're baddies is nothing new. But read the room, man. The dude wears a cowboy hat and a Zorro mask and his actual name is Skullface. We already know he's the baddie. Forced rape is overdoing it a smidge.


John Cal McCormick hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.