10 Times Miles Morales Spider-Man Totally Outdid Peter Parker

6. Ganke? Ned? Ged?

Ganke Ned
Marvel Comics

Alright, this one is a hot-button topic. If you’re only a Spider-Man fan from the movies, you might have no idea who Ganke Lee is, but if you’ve followed Miles’ story in the comics, you know his importance. As the first person to discover that Miles had powers, Ganke naturally became Miles’ right-hand man. At times he even became Miles’ “guy in the chair” helping him fight bad guys and solve crimes from the safety of their dorm room at Brooklyn Visions Academy. Sound familiar?

That’s right, Ned Leeds from the MCU Spider-Man films is basically an exact copy of Ganke Lee, with only a few minor changes. So why did Marvel’s writers decide to take Ganke from Miles and give him to Peter? Well, there’s a lot of reasons. One cited by Homecoming’s writer, Jonathan Goldstein, was that Spidey fans had already seen two versions of the Peter and Harry Osborn friendship. Ned, like Ganke, is one of the first to discover Peter’s secret. Just like his comic counterpart, Ned becomes a key ally for Peter throughout the MCU Spidey trilogy. And their similarities only continue from there.

Ganke and Ned are both great characters. Of course, fans now wonder what the writers of the MCU Miles story will do, have two similar characters both be Spider BFFs or perhaps switch Ganke out for a Harry Osborn-like character in a sort of swap of the classic stories. Whatever they choose to do, fans of Ned in the MCU have Miles Morales to thank for his entire character.

Fans are excited to see comic book accurate Ganke finally get his on film debut in the sequel to Into the Spider-Verse slated to come out later this year.

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