10 Times Miles Morales Spider-Man Totally Outdid Peter Parker

4. Box Office Greatness

Into The SpiderVerse
Sony Pictures

There’s a new undisputed Box Office juggernaut when it comes to Spider-Man movies and that is, of course, the final entry in the Homecoming Trilogy, Spider-Man: No Way Home. Looking at the box-office returns alone, you might be swayed to believe Peter Parker Spider-Man films just do better than ones that feature Miles. To that I say, Miles has only had ONE! In his first (and so far only) chance to shine, Miles did unexpectedly well. For being an animated Marvel film not even produced by Marvel about a character and storyline that not many outside the world of comics had heard of before, Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse was HUGE.

The highest critics’ score on Rotten Tomatoes for any Spider-Man movie belongs to Spider-Verse with a fan score of 93% and a critic score of 97%. The only film that rivals it is Spider-Man: No Way Home, which has a fan score of a whopping 98% but a critics score of only 93%. What should be remembered here is that No Way Home featured three Spideys, was the conclusion of a trilogy, and a part of the MCU (Hollywood’s biggest franchise), and still couldn’t contend with what critics thought of Into the Spider-Verse.

Of any first outing for any of the four Spider-Men we have seen lead a film, Miles has the best reviews from both critics and fans alike. How can this be for a character who didn’t even originate the name Spider-Man? Uh, have you not been paying attention? Miles is more dynamic, relatable, and powerful. It’s about time audiences realize that too.

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