10 Times Nintendo Games Were Not Family Friendly

6. MadWorld (Wii)

Conker's Bad Fur Day

Looking at MadWorld, it’s almost as if somebody at Platinum Games had played a Mario game and said to themselves “too much colour. Not enough blood”, and set out to make a game that was the polar opposite. The result is a hyper-violent, black-and-white comic book inspired visceral treat where the only splash of colour comes from the gore created by the action.

Weapons don’t come much more gruesome than a chainsaw, and protagonist Jack Cayman happens to have one built into his arm. This is useful for Jack, as he is, for his own reasons, taking part in a gameshow whereby all participants are infected with a lethal virus, and vaccines are only given to those who are willing to kill another person.

The over-the-top level of violence crosses the line twice, becoming comical in the sheer amount of carnage on display, and the game as a whole has a comedic tone. However, the visual style and level of gore makes this an acquired taste.

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Purveyor of useless information, mostly concerning gaming, pro wrestling and British sitcoms.