10 Times Nintendo Games Were Not Family Friendly

3. GoldenEye 007 (Nintendo 64)

Conker's Bad Fur Day

This game needs little introduction, as it essentially created the genre of multiplayer first person shooters on consoles. As has been well documented, the famed multiplayer mode that created so many childhood memories for a whole generation of gamers was only added in at the last minute, and they never expected it to take off. How wrong they were.

The heavy focus on gunplay as players take control of everybody’s favourite secret agent firmly push the game into “not family friendly” territory. Guiding James Bond throughout the game being shot at by (and using) various firearms is probably the last thing that concerned parents wanted to be played on a Nintendo console. The realistic (for the time) enemy models and blood released when people were shot also likely caused some consternation.

However, the sheer brilliance of the game shone through, thanks to the undeniable fun of chasing your friends around the maps, hoping to get the final kill. Few other games captured the potential of the console’s four controller ports, leading to the rise of competitive deathmatches in the living room. The likes of Call of Duty and Battlefield may not have been published had GoldenEye not proved that these games could work outside of a PC. Just remember, no Oddjob.

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Purveyor of useless information, mostly concerning gaming, pro wrestling and British sitcoms.