10 Times Video Game Critics Got It Wrong

8. Dragon Age 2

Zelda Skyward Sword Metacritic

Metacritic Score: 8.2

User Score: 4.3

Oh boy were people mad about this one.

Dragon Age 2 was one of the most anticipated games of its time, so for fans to find out that it was a massively stripped down and boring experience when compared to Origins was a pretty big shock. It was an even bigger shock when you see that critics had absolutely raved about the game.

The reviews just don't match up to the product at all. Similarly to Fallout 4, Dragon Age 2 was hated so much because it stripped down the RPG mechanics so much and delivered a meaningless story.

Dragon Age 2 also has it's lovers, but the majority of those who played it were shocked at the lack of quality, which probably hurt the series in a massive way.

Despite all this, Dragon Age 2 was pretty greatly reviewed by almost every critic. None of them seemed to notice how lacklustre the game really was, especially as a Dragon Age game, and it still remains as one of the biggest disagreements in review history.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.