10 Times Video Games Got Weapons Wrong
What doesn't kill you... maybe should have.

Weapons in video games have long been some of the most iconic staples of the industry. Kratos' Blades of Chaos, Gordon Freeman's Gravity Gun and Isaac Clarke's Plasma Cutter, just to name a few.
Whilst not always viewed in a positive light - first person shooters in particular have been known to draw the ire of government officials and media platforms everywhere - it is difficult to argue against the idea that weapons are a staple of the genre. When a total of 34 of the 50 all time best-selling video games feature some sort of combat, it is impossible to argue to the contrary.
Whether you prefer to crawl through corridors silently picking off enemies, or hack, slash and explode your way through waves of them instead, there's always a video game out there that will quench your murderous needs.
In regards to the previously mentioned weapons, many are fictional, and thus fairly immune to criticism. It's the majority of other games though, that try their hand at implementing a whole host of real world weaponry, both dedicated and makeshift.
With several highly successful recreations of some of the world's most famous armaments scattered throughout the gaming landscape, this also creates room for some blunders.
10. Constantly Cocking - Left 4 Dead 2

Potentially the greatest zombie game to ever exist, Left 4 Dead 2 still holds up perfectly well today. With its charismatic characters, enthralling levels, terrifying zombies and revolutionary AI Director system, L4D2 perfectly compliments the incredible roster of video game IPs that Valve possesses.
Building on its predecessor's somewhat limited arsenal of just six firearms, the most recent instalment of the franchise ups the total to sixteen, along with the introduction of eleven melee weapons.
When loading a magazine or clip into a gun, it is common to have to prime the weapon using either a cocking handle attached to a bolt, a slide, a pumped slide or a lever. This is to allow the operator of the weapon to load the first round into the chamber, ready to fire.
Once the weapon has been cocked/slid/levered once, it does not require this action again, until you are going to reload.
Left 4 Dead 2 seemed to miss this memo, as every time you switch weapon, your character will re-ready the firearm for firing, even if this action has already been taken.
If you did this in real life it would most likely lead to live ammo being ejected and wasted, or a jam in the barrel as you are trying to load multiple rounds at once.