10 Times Video Games Lied To Your Face

8. Siding With La Croix - Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

dark pictures anthology little hope
Troika Games

Due to its rushed development, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines is missing a lot of its planned features, one of which is the game’s endings.

Although there is technically at least one ending for each faction, in reality, only half of them can be counted as actual endings. The other half just lie to you about providing an alternative narrative, as is the case with the most infamous of Vampire’s epilogues, siding with La Croix.

La Croix, the Prince of Camarilla, who spends the entire game ordering you around, can be made into a potential ally, despite his betrayal of your character.

When you come to his tower to end his un-life, you may choose the option to join forces with him, thinking your alliance will make Camarilla stronger.

However, this simply doesn’t happen. Not because La Croix betrays you or you betray him, but because halfway through the ending cutscene, the two of you explode.

Yes, the game simply kills off your character as soon as you make the choice to spare La Croix, because you’re not actually supposed to side with him.

That, and the developers probably didn’t have enough time to give him a proper ending.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.