10 Times Video Games WASTED Big Actors

4. Michael Biehn - Aliens: Colonial Marines

Michael Biehn Aliens
20th Century Fox / Sega

The list of issues this infamous game has is longer than any ever posted on this website, but one aspect that doesn’t really ever get enough attention is the fact this game brings back Michael Biehn - then it is terrible.

This disaster of a game was always just almost there and really Biehn should’ve been the saving grace here. Though his performance is lacklustre to say the least and was eventually pointed to him not really enjoying his time working on the project.

Listening to his lines back they sound forced and uninterested - so perhaps Randy Pitchford had him at wand point and wouldn’t stop performing magic tricks until all lines were delivered? Or maybe he showed him the contents of a certain USB...

This really is an outlier for Biehn when it comes to his body of work, so we can only blame Gearbox for wasting what should’ve been one of the licensed games ever committed to code.


Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.