10 Times Video Games WASTED Big Actors

3. Kiefer Sutherland - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Kiefer Sutherland Metal Gear Solid Phantom Pain
Fox / Konami

Another case of 24 actors wandering into video game roles, this was the catalyst for the entire list, with this casting still being mind-boggling so many years later.

After finishing the Phantom Pain and sitting through its somewhat disappointing final moments, you could argue that the switch in casting made sense, but still Kiefer Sutherland isn’t Snake.

Up there with the worst decisions Hideo Kojima has ever made when it comes to his many works of art, replacing the legendary voice of David Hayter was short-sighted and ridiculous. There have been many reasons floated around in the past, but you just don’t do this.

What makes it worse is that Kiefer barely has anything to do with his minimal lines throughout the game. Which is a real left turn after the character hadn’t shut up until this point. Not only that, but his delivery is bland and feels like Kojima just hired one of his favourite actors.

This would become true in Death Stranding with Norman Reedus, but it was the wrong call in the last real Metal Gear Solid.


Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.