10 Tiny Details In Batman: Arkham Knight Everyone Missed

The Batman always has more tricks up his sleeve.

Batman arkham knight two face

There are loads of games coming out right now that are packed with fascinating little details that are easy to miss.

That said, there’s one game we can’t help but keep coming back to when we decide to take a look at the most minor of details that pretty much everyone missed and that’s Rocksteady’s 2015 action-adventure Batman: Arkham Knight. The fourth and final entry into the mainline Batman Arkham series was generally really well received save for its massive technical stumble with the PC version upon release. The game is just packed with secrets and details and while lots of those have been uncovered, Arkham Knight is the game that keeps on giving.

While obviously someone has to have discovered each of these details for me to tell you about them, the following entries are additions that almost nobody caught.

10. You Can Spot Militia Helicopters

Arkham Knight Militia Helicopters
Warner Bros

Many of the tiny details on this list will sound super cool in that it’s great Rocksteady put them in the game but if you missed them you’re not getting an inferior experience.

That said, this game goes deep and there are a plethora of incredible little details, one of which can be seen by attentive players right before bringing the Ace Chemicals workers to safety. Before getting underway you’re told that Militia forces are deploying to the other island of Gotham City and if you look up you can actually see this for yourself. Reddit user prank simulator posted a video to the GamingDetails subreddit showing themself grappling to a high point in the city where it’s possible to watch the choppers flying across the city and descending to establish checkpoints.

Batman: Arkham Knight might not have been everybody’s cup of tea but you can’t deny that when it comes to things like this they really put the effort in.

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