10 Tiny Details In Batman: Arkham Knight Everyone Missed

9. Thugs Break Into Vending Machines

Batman Arkham Knight Thugs Break Into Vending Machines
Warner Bros

You’d be forgiven for not loitering too long in Arkham Knight. I mean, Bruce is a busy guy and there’s a lot going down, but if you do hang around maybe you’d like to take on some neighbourhood watch level duties and make sure no vending machines are being vandalised. Reddit user EdicaranFauna discovered that if you hang around long enough you can watch thugs struggle to try to get a freebie from a vending machine.

Or maybe it ate his money, I don’t know.

He’ll eventually smash it with his foot to get at the goods inside before chucking the litter on the ground behind him. Being that you’re Batman this seems like a totally sensible window to execute that silent takedown and exact your vengeance in the name of the defenceless convenient snack location.

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