10 Tiny Details In Batman: Arkham Knight Everyone Missed

1. Two-Face’s Face Is Even More Disturbing Than You Thought

batman arkham knight two face

We’ve spent a lot of time on very minor graphical and animation details that add a lot to Batman’s journey, his characterisation, and his enemies in Arkham Knight and this one continues to flesh out the latter.

Pun partially intended.

This one is pretty gross so consider yourself warned if you’re particularly squeamish but if you take a closer look at Two-Face’s visage you can see that the veins on the burned half of his face move and pulse. In yet another example of this game cutting no corners on how spectacular it looks, this is a really awe-inspiring little find, especially since it’s visible in Dent’s character model outside of cutscenes, too.

It’s so detailed you can see the blood moving through them and it's enough to make you creepily aware of your own veins, so, let’s call this video there.


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How Well Do You Remember Batman: Arkham Knight?

Batman Arkham Knight 10

1. Which Of The Following Villains Does Not Appear In The Game?

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