10 Tiny Video Game Details That Give Away Character Secrets

1. Why 2B Isn't Friendly With 9S - Nier: Automata

NieR Automata World

Nier: Automata has so many twists wrapped within twists that you have to play through the game literally three times to understand everything that's going on.

The aliens you thought you were fighting have been dead the whole time! The humans you thought you were defending have also been dead the whole time! The characters you're playing as are actually kinda evil and brainwashed!

The most surprising thing, though, is that the first android you play as, 2B, is an execution droid designed to kill partner 9S when they reach a certain point on their journey.

This real purpose actually explains so much in hindsight, especially how adverse 2B is to getting to know her counterpart. She always acts cold to 9S' inquisitiveness, and in general, is kind of a dick to him despite his constant good nature and offers of friendship.

At the end you realise this is all intentional, as one day she's going to have to kill him, and getting personal will only complicate matters.


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