10 Tiny Video Game Details Which Will Blow Your Mind

4. Hitman (2016) - Flag Lowered After An Assassination

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In the long hiatus between Hitman Absolution and the rebooted Hitman episodic series, Square Enix and IO Interactive had clearly been tinkering and planning every single moment of their new title in order to absolutely wow the crowds and assassinate our wallets.

Through a rather ingenious use of the episodic format, it meant that the developers could focus on a single level at a time and make sure that every route and every option was catered for. Obviously with this level of obsession it also meant that there were tonnes of well hidden secrets, strange weapons and devilishly complex Easter eggs to experience.

One detail that acts as a sort of dramatic flourish to Agent 47's killing spree is in Episode 3, in which one of your targets is one Claus Hugo Strandberg, who is taking refuge in the Swedish consulate. Once you locate and murder the man you'll notice that the Swedish flag is lowered to half mast signifying a tragic loss.

It's a rather sombre reflection of what you've done... although it's a little inconsistent if you had say, I don't know, murdered him by massaging his neck until it snapped. Ah, good times.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.