10 Tiny Video Game Details Which Will Blow Your Mind

5. Batman Arkham Knight - Paul Dini's Diner

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While perhaps not being everyone's cup of bat-tea thanks to the over abundance of the Batmobile, a plot twist so obvious you could guess it from the opening 10 minutes and be correct, and of course the abysmal PC port which resulted in Warner Bros. flat out refusing to fix it, Batman: Arkham Knight is still for the most part a brilliant superhero adventure game filled with enough secrets to stock a batcave.

From the random conversations you can overhear, to the way that each individual dollar bill reacts to your movements in the vault, there's clear love for the source and world building of this title. However a small, but rather brilliant nod to Batman's past is what we're focusing on today.

Paul Dini will forever be tied to the Batman IP for his fantastic writing, bringing new light to one of the darkest superheroes and winning the world over with his writing for the Arkham Asylum and City games. As if to honour the man who helped kick start it all, his name can be found in the diner which we begin Arkham Knight in.

After all chaos has broken loose, if you return to the Diner, originally called Pauli's Diner, you'll see that the neon lights are flickering in a specific pattern, and now highlight the words Paul Dini. Nice touch, right?


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.