10 Tiny Video Game Details Which Will Blow Your Mind

2. Red Dead Redemption 2 - So. Many. Details.

Ewok Thumb
Rockstar Games

Honestly. We might as well have just made this list entirely of insane details from Rockstars' latest masterpiece Red Dead Redemption 2 as, quite frankly, there is a BONKERS amount of minute designs that the majority of players will bypass without even realising.

You can shoot balconies and then return and see people fixing them, you can see dogs shake off water after rain, you can look at horse gonads shrink and grow thanks to differing temperature, and even bruises form on the knuckles of Arthur after fist fighting.

I racked my brains for a while trying to think what single entry should go here, but honestly it's impossible and almost and insult to the other small details that are equally mind blowing. So instead let's just list some more!

Local sheriffs will give up chasing you if you cross border lines and even state "he's out of our jurisdiction". Animals go about AI routines that see them hunt what would actually be their prey. And best of all, BEST OF ALL, you can even get hit by lightning.

God I love this game.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.