10 Tiny Video Game Details Which Will Blow Your Mind

1. Bioshock Infinite - Possession Vigor In Reverse

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One of the most fantastic characters of Bioshock Infinite is the city of Columbia itself. Offering so much rich detail in nearly every location, it's easy to get lost in how much thought went into it's design. And Infinite itself is full of secrets.

The music you hear are remixes of contemporary songs that we know and love helping it tie to the idea of forever hopping from timeline to timeline and we even get a moment where a tear reveals a much loved Star Wars reference, but truly the best detail in the entire game, is one that is right in front of you, but that you likely totally missed.

When you're given a "free" sample of the Possession vigor you hear a whispering as the concoction takes control of Booker. It won't make any sense at first, but should you reverse the audio you'll hear a quotation from Romeo and Juliet, a very specific quotation that alludes that should Juliet die, Romeo should be killed as well to join her. This makes for a truly dark revelation as it becomes clear now why those who are under the influence of the vigor commit suicide after it wears off.

For the longest time people thought it was because they felt guilty about killing their friends, but thanks to this, it was always designed to do so from the start. Grim.

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