10 Top Current-Gen Gaming Romances

6. Zack Fair & Aerith Gainsborough (FFVII: Crisis Core)

This will be the 89th letter I've written... - Aerith
This pairing was a borderline entry into this list. As mentioned earlier, this was going to be a 'current-gen' list and no doubt some people now consider the PSP platform to be 'last-gen'. That said, this pairing still makes the list because it's still a recent game, albeit based off a 15 year old game. The story of Zack and Aerith was already known before Crisis Core started. Yet the game still manages to weave a memorable love story. Whatever your allegiance may be in the love triangles of FFVII, there's no denying a touching story in Crisis Core. It definitely helps that you have a background understanding of the characters in question. Still, the build up to their relationship is nice and steady while the ultimate conclusion is as heart-wrenching as any sad tale. Aerith still cared for Zack even after he went missing for many years. And in truth, even in the original FFVII game, she never truly knew Zack's fate, although she assumed as much. Zack's tragic end only adds to the emotional ending. Hoping to reunite with Aerith, after finally escaping capture, he succumbs to Shinra's might. He wasn't able to see Aerith again, nor read her other 88 letters.
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A gamer checking things out in the gaming world. Visit my youtube channel for some gameplays and playthroughs at www.youtube.com/thedamonforever Enjoy!