10 Totally Broken Yu-Gi-Oh Cards They Had To Change For Being Too Powerful

7. Ring Of Destruction

Another powerful Trap that saw tonnes of play in the first Yu-Gi-Oh! anime, Ring Of Destruction was feared for its ability to inflict extravagant amounts of damage to both players. Coupled with an effect that allowed players to take out their opponent's biggest Monster with ease, Ring Of Destruction could prove fatal. Losing 4500 Life Points and using your treasured Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon you went to great pains to Fusion Summon was nigh-on impossible to come back from in early days of the game.

While it boated a powerful effect, Ring of Destruction was likely banned due to its ability to force draws, leading to a whole host of un-sportsmanship moves in tournament plays in order to secure a Match after winning just one duel.

While the new Ring Of Destruction quite rightly corrects this loophole (in the card's original text, both players lost Life Points simultaneously; in the re-release, damage is inflicted to the card player first), the card is not quite as destructive as it now was. The modern Ring Of Destruction can only be activated during the opponent's turn, and can only destroy Monsters whose ATK is equal to or less than the opponent's Life Points, making OTKs more or less impossible to pull off.

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When Matteo isn't cashing in on a lifetime of devotion to his favourite pop culture franchises and indie bands, he's writing and publishing poems and short stories under the name Teo Eve. Talk about range.