10 Totally Broken Yu-Gi-Oh Cards They Had To Change For Being Too Powerful

6. Temple Of The Kings

A rare example of card getting more powerful after its release, Temple Of The Kings could sacrifice itself along with Mythical Beast of Serket to Special Summon one monster from the hand, Deck, or Extra Deck. While the Extra Deck was only comprised of Fusion and Synchro Monsters at the time of the card's original Western release (it was released in 2001 in Japan, when only Fusion Monsters existed in what was then the Fusion Deck), in modern play the card could bring out a whole host of Xyz, Pendulum and Link Monsters with ease -- were it not for the card's errata.

The 2020 version of the card specifies the Temple can now only bring out a Monster from the deck or Fusion Monster from the Extra Deck, aligning the card closer to its OCG intention. While this already makes Temple Of The Kings less viable in modern play, its second effect suffered more from this errata.

Originally, the Continuous Spell allowed players to activate Trap cards from their hand, completely shifting the balance of the game. While such a broken ability would never fly in tournament play, the new version only allows the player to activate one Trap Card on the turn it was Set, in the entire Duel. Still a useful effect, but would have been better as a brand-new one-off Spell effect than part of Continuous Spell that takes up space on the Field.

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When Matteo isn't cashing in on a lifetime of devotion to his favourite pop culture franchises and indie bands, he's writing and publishing poems and short stories under the name Teo Eve. Talk about range.