10 Totally Impractical Video Game Weapons

8. Wakka's Blitzball - Final Fantasy X

If there's a list mentioning the most memorable video game weapons in any shape or form, you can safely bet that there'll be a mention of the Final Fantasy franchise. Some of the most iconic weapons of all time have emerged from the Square Enix's RPG series, often as pompous as they are deadly. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about Wakka's choice of weapon: Auron has katanas, Kimahri has lances, and Rikku has claws. So what, in a stroke of genius, did Wakka think was the best option for fighting off the hordes of fiends? Sporting equipment. That's right, because he likes playing Spira's favourite sport, Blitzball, Wakka decided it would be a good idea to bring the ball itself into battle. Even Tidus, one of the greatest Blitzball players in history, had the good sense to carry a sword. Admittedly, Wakka's Blitzballs get a bit more intricate and blade-covered later in the game, but they still look laughably ineffective when bouncing off of some of the especially large enemies. In reality, Wakka's attacks would be about as effective as throwing a football at a lion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9t1xfhPCM4
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