10 Totally Impractical Video Game Weapons

7. Tactical Knife - Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Ok, this one is by no means an impractical weapon in itself: knives are still used in modern military, and they can be more deadly than a gun in close combat. But it's the context that maters: the tactical knife was so frequently seen in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's multiplayer. Back in the day, it was all the craze to play as a 'ninja' class, picking perks that made you as light and fast as possible, sprinting around the map and backstabbing enemies left, right and centre. In fact, on some maps, the 'ninja' tactic became one of the most effective ways to dispatch the enemy, especially combined with the ability to seemingly teleport to enemies with just a tap of the melee button. However, it isn't recommended for anyone to join the military based solely on the strength of their elite Call of Duty knifing skills. Attempts to make use of game- based talents in a real battle will more than likely result in being riddled with holes before you can say 'Tango Sucka'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulXYktpIEtw
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