10 Totally Impractical Video Game Weapons

6. Sai Fung (Gun-Chuks) - Bayonetta

It feels like cheating to include anything from Bayonetta on this list, a game that features hair-based attacks, bullet-firing high heels, and a living katana, but Sega's action title is filled to the brim with ludicrous weaponry. By far the most impractical though, has to be the Sai Fung nunchakus, known affectionately as the 'gun-chuks'. Now, nunchuks by themselves are already fairly impractical, and even in the heyday of Okinawan martial arts, they were never a particularly popular weapon, outside of training. Of course, Sega just had to take it one step further. While most developers would probably add something like blades or studs to increase the damage of these nunchakus, Bayonetta instead strings together two pistol barrels that fire rounds of ammunition each time they're swung at an enemy. Along with being insanely difficult to aim effectively, you're also far more likely to shoot yourself than an enemy. And by the time your foe is close enough to get a clean shot, you might as well just have a normal set of nunchuks. With this in mind, the Sai Fung nunchakus have to be the most ridiculous ideas the eccentric Sega has ever come up with. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwfQtTQ-j4E
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