10 Totally Out Of Place Video Game Intros

1. Resident Evil

metal gear solid 4

There's perhaps no live-action video game intro more famous (or infamous?) than that of the original Resident Evil.

The mesmerisingly ridiculous opening depicts the S.T.A.R.S. team touching down outside the Spencer Mansion, where they're soon enough attacked by zombie dogs, forcing the survivors to frantically seek refuge inside said mansion.

We then cut to a delightfully funky credits call for the central characters, firmly in the vein of a campy B-movie, before the game's title finally flashes up.

It's shamelessly silly stuff, and while the first Resident Evil is undeniably indebted to B-movie horror, it's fair to say that the main game itself is actually trying to be a genuinely scary survival horror experience. The stiff acting certainly wasn't a purposeful decision, that's for sure.

And so, there's a fundamental disconnect between the flagrantly self-aware live-action intro and the gameplay's more straight-faced attempt at devising a terrifying atmosphere - no matter how heightened it might be.

Again, that intro sequence is absolutely iconic and would be sorely missed were it not there, but that doesn't mean it feels of-a-piece with the game proper.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.