10 Totally Out Of Place Video Game Intros

5. Grand Theft Auto 2

metal gear solid 4
DMA Design

Grand Theft Auto 2 provides proof perfect that an intro can be both completely out of place and incredibly entertaining.

Though the original GTA didn't have much of an intro to speak of, its success nevertheless allowed Rockstar (then DMA Design) to splash a little extra dough on commissioning a gritty live-action opening video for the sequel.

And so, GTA 2 opens with a two-minute montage of cops 'n' robbers going to war in what is very clearly New York City. Though incredibly well-made in accurately capturing the gritty vibe of 1970s crime cinema, does it have anything at all to do with GTA 2? Not really.

In fact, the intro was edited down from an eight-minute short film created to promote the game, which as exciting as it is, features few characters who actually appear in the game. Furthermore, GTA 2's central setting of Anywhere City isn't anything at all like New York City.

All the same, it sure got players pumped to start the game, so the video basically did its job.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.