10 Totally Out Of Place Video Game Intros

4. Far Cry 3

metal gear solid 4

Far Cry 3's opening minute feels like the least Far Cry thing imaginable - that is, a montage of people having fun and basically living their best lives.

The game kicks off by fleetingly introducing the player to protagonist Jason Brody and his vapid friends as they vacation in Bangkok, showing them drinking, partying at clubs, riding jet-skis, paragliding, interacting with the local wildlife, and going skydiving.

It's all set to the hit M.I.A. song "Paper Planes," as if to date it even more, yet this intro comes grinding to a halt when the camera pulls out to reveal that these scenes are actually video clips being watched by the game's iconic pirate lord villain, Vaas Montenegro, who has imprisoned Jason and his pals.

In this case the disconnect is absolutely deliberately, bewildering the player with feel-good vibes from the outset only to immediately flip the script and hurl them into a grim survival scenario.

But if that opening minute made you think Ubisoft would ease you in gently, nobody could blame you.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.