10 Totally Pointless Gaming Accessories

2. Nintendo R.O.B.

Nintendo's R.O.B. (that's short for Robotic Operating Buddy) was released in 1985 as an accessory for the NES, but didn't last long, and was only compatible with two games, Gyromite and Stack-Up. In an attempt to weather the effects of the 1983 video game crash, R.O.B. was marketed as a novelty product for the Nintendo brand, hoping it would restore the image of ingenuity and technological advancement to video games. R.O.B. only works with CRT televisions - sorry, hipsters! - and would perform a number of instructions relating to the games, such as stacking blocks and moving various objects around. The clunkiness and the minimalism of the concept meant that it never really went anywhere, and quietly slunk out of the public's consciousness not long after release. R.O.B. is something of a collector's item nowadays, and is a relic of Nintendo at one of their most desperate periods, trying to stave off the effects of the video game crash and stay relevant.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.