10 Truly Awful Video Game Movies Sonic Might Be Worse Than

8. Double Dragon

Gramercy Pictures

The Double Dragon game has forever etched its place in history as one of the key popularisers of the ‘80s finest genre; the beat ‘em up.

Beat ‘em ups are a tad out of fashion now, replaced by first person shooters as the go to junk food game, with hack and slash and straight up arcade fighters both consigning it to history, more or less.

With the film though, nothing needed to come along and usurp it, as it was thrown in the trash almost immediately. Super Mario Bros and Tekken definitely qualify as the good kind of bad, but with Double Dragon it’s a little iffy. Robert Patrick is certainly doing his bit, but it still doesn’t have much going for it.

With ridiculous haircuts, an ancient talisman plot and enough cheese to bankrupt Pizza Hut, the movie is gloriously ‘80s... even if it was made in 1994. The fight sequences are more slapstick than anything else, but it never gets too serious, at least.

One thing you can say in its defence is, as a comedy, it’s hyper aware of what it is. Hopefully Sonic has been taking notes.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)