10 Truly Awful Video Game Movies Sonic Might Be Worse Than

7. Ratchet & Clank


How on earth did this go so wrong? Ratchet & Clank is one of the funniest games around, but the characters lack the iconic nature of Sonic, so the movie was under far less pressure. Somehow though, it’s still utterly terrible.

While a smaller fanbase can be used to defend low box office, it shouldn’t have any influence on the storytelling. Especially when you consider that Ratchet & Clank has arguably the best plot of any platform game ever.

Obviously it can’t hold a candle to more in depth games with richer themes, but compared to Crash, Spyro, Jak, Mario (and of course, Sonic)? Ratchet & Clank were leaps and bounds ahead, from a narrative standpoint if not a gameplay one.

The cast of James Arnold Taylor, Jim Ward, David Kay, Paul Giamatti and Bella Thorne come over from the games, joined by John Goodman and Sylvester Stallone, but it ends up being way less than the sum of its parts.

The movie is based off the 2016 remake/reboot of the duo’s debut, but they’d have been better off just glueing the cutscenes together. The worst thing about the movie is it doesn’t even justify its own existence.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)