10 Truly Disturbing Fates Hidden In Video Games

6. The Isolation Ending - Outer Wilds

Fallout New Vegas thumb
Mobius Digital

If there's one glorious thing about Outer Wilds, it's just how may endings there are for the game. Altogether, there are seven endings you can get, and while this isn't anywhere near the most endings you can get in a video game, they're all diverse enough that they're worth getting.

Of these, by far the saddest is what is known as the Isolation ending. As you might imagine, you get this ending for inadvertently isolating yourself. If you fly too far away from the Sun to try and avoid the supernova that comes at the end of the game, you'll have the screen fade to black, before being told that you have drifted out into space.

Painfully, you are then told you will continue to drift out into space forever, depleting your resources until you eventually die, which is the plot of at least one horror movie set in space.

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