10 Truly Disturbing Fates Hidden In Video Games
7. All The Children - Dead Rising
Enter any shopping centre or mall in the entire of the world, and chances are, there'll be kids there. Which is fair enough - a day out to the mall is an easy activity for a parent to plan with their kid, and otherwise kids hanging out together naturally lean towards places where they can get slushies and fast food.
But, when there are no children throughout the cast of the initial Dead Rising, you likely didn't give it a second though. Kid zombies are dark as hell, after all, and so the lighter tone of the series meant they were definitely going to give the concept a big old miss in their first ever game by not including any tots.
Or, that was what many of us presumed - seemingly confirmed when the child we were shown in the first cutscene outside of the Mall isn't shown getting made into stir fry.
Only, the fact we saw a child at all should have been our first red flag, because we steadily learn over the course of the game that there was children in the mall when the zombie outbreak hit; we just don't see any of them, because they're all dead. Which is... pretty damn dark.