10 Truly Evil Video Game Villains Everyone Loves

8. Albert Wesker - Resident Evil

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The cool man behind the sunglasses himself, Albert Wesker, is an iconic part of the Resident Evil series. From his shocking betrayal in the first game to his ridiculous appearances in the later titles, Wesker is like a textbook definition of a good recurring villain.

His charm stems from his over-the-top school of villainy. He's always serious about what he does, whether it's performing some ridiculous stunt like blocking rockets with his bare hands or delivering a grand speech about how great of a plan he has. Speaking of which, his main goal is to wipe out ALL of humanity with the T-virus, so you can't really get any more evil than that.

The seriousness of Wesker's character is a double-edged sword. It either makes people admire him for being a cold and calculated badass or laugh at him for playing the part of a cartoonishly evil guy with a perfectly straight face.

However, whether they laugh at him or venerate him, both sides truly love Wesker. After all, how can you not love a man who can stop a damn rocket in his hands?


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.