10 Twisted Video Game Achievements That Rewarded You For Being A Dick

1. The Power Of The Atom - Fallout 3

fallout 3 megaton

Only in video games could you nuke an entire populace and have a small pop-up acknowledge your actions with a chirpy sound effect.

Granted, the "Power of the Atom" also triggers if you disarm the dropped nuke in the centre of Megaton - but where's the fun in that?

Many gamers were delighted/immediately horrified to discover that there was a character (Mister Burke) discussing the idea of blowing up the nuke - and even more taken aback when they followed through on the quest.

All you need to do is rig the bomb to go off, then report to Burke. He'll give you access to the trigger, and the two of you can watch a nuclear cloud decimate Megaton, before the eery silence and subsequent whipping of the wind conveys the gravity of what you've done.

Sadly, there's no additional achievement for taking out Mister Burke as an act of "making things right".


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