3. Anthem
Admittedly, there’s not much to say about Anthem that hasn’t already been said but to make a list about unacceptable video games and not throw this disappointing disaster on there also seemed like a huge oversight so here it is.
The main thing that made Anthem so unacceptable wasn’t it’s dull story, repetitive gameplay, or even its unfinished nature. Instead it’s really the fact that it was made by BioWare and EA.
That is to say, there is no reason Anthem should have been so bad. In the year 2019 after so many fan favourite slam dunks from the developer and publisher it was unthinkable, and in retrospect unacceptable, that a AAA game could arrive this broken, disappointing, and borderline unplayable if we’re going by how many players couldn’t be bothered to persist with it.
We know Anthem is a mess and from any other developer it might have just been a middling action adventure offering soon forgotten but from such prestigious studios it was downright atrocious.