2. The Cat Lady
The Cat Lady appears to be fairly tame at first glance, especially compared to some of the other games on this list, but dig a little deeper into its themes and protagonist and things are more than a little disturbing. We join our heroine, 40-year-old Susan Ashworth on the brink of her decision to take her own life.
This choice leads her down the rabbit hole as a supernatural entity called the Queen of Maggots tasks her with ridding the world of multiple psychotic people.
What follows is a point-and-click adventure laden with explicit gore, incredibly violent and depressing circumstances, and plenty of characters you would not want to meet in a dark alley. Or any alley, really. While the story revolves very specifically around the themes of death, suicide, and the most unsavoury of people, there is resilience and hope buried in there too. As a result, this is firmly on the list of games that some would deem unacceptable, but one which you should seek out if you’re open to what lies beneath its grisly, macabre, and bleak facade.